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제목 브릿짓 존스의 다이어리에 대한 감상평 (201948005김찬영)
내용 201948005김찬영

What makes Bridget Jones' diary different from other movies?
To the people who are common around us.It's a movie that makes me empathize with what happens.Bridget Jones smokes and drinks every day.But you can see that there is a person who loves that image as it is.While watching this movie, I realized that I should be able to see myself as I am, rather than trying to fit myself to others.
이전글 브리짓 존스의 다이어리 감상문 (오가은, 이시화)
다음글 브리짓존스 일기 감상평 김성윤 정우빈